
Aurora Yoga Retreat en Six Senses Ibiza

por | May 15, 2024 | Wellbeing

Immensely grateful for such a unique experience at Six Senses Ibiza with the best group ever! Thank you so much to all the participants that have trusted me, most of them without knowing me and for your good energy, dedication, generosity and openness during the retreat. Each of them have been a very important part of it and without them it would have not been the same. Thank you so much to Six Senses Ibiza and all his team who I have been working with side by side for the last year to make this dream come true.

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Mercedes Flow Yoga

Mercedes Flow Yoga

Un Yoga dinámico e intenso que respeta la tradición y la esencia, a la luz de las velas y al ritmo de Playlists inspiradoras y envolventes.